Sunday, April 25, 2010

Some Results of the Speech Advisory Meeting

This post is going to reflect the mindset of someone reliving a frustrating meeting and recovering from prom supervision.  I hope that Mike and Scott will chip in with comments about stuff that I missed.

We did nothing about Sunday competition.  The prohibition comes from a Board of Control policy.  Adopting the club option that exists for sports seemed counter productive, especially since it limits out of season coach contact.

We added the NFL policy on computers in policy rounds and using cell phones as retrieval or communication devices.  We eliminated the "if 14 teams remain and some of them have losses and others don't except on Thursday during a full moon" language.  We also voted to prohibit extemp handbook speeches.  They will be pulled from the extemp tubs at the state tournament.

We asked Ken to have SDHSAA hired judges fill out the NFL policy and LD judge paradigm sheets.  We also asked that he attempt to have the SDHSAA online registration include the form so that judges that schools bring fill it out as well.  I know that this change won't ameliorate Tony's and Matthew's concerns.  As long as we have schools bring judges, we are limited in the demands that we can place on the judges that they bring.

We deferred action on the pairing procedures and will try to work on them throughout the year.  That's all I can remember.  I'll leave it to Mike and Scott to fill in the rest.

1 comment:

Jennifer Bergan Gabor said...

Having chosen to spend a bit of Friday and just under 4 hours on Saturday watching the goings on and inserting comment when it was allowed and/or when I did it, I would say one of the biggest issues that I heard discussed was the judges at State issue. With SDHSAA hiring many judges that we all use throughout the year, it does become difficult for all of us to hire qualified judges. It hasn't been that long that the rule was changed to allow sophomores in college to judge, versus the former rule that stated they had to be in their junior year. The bottom lines is that we all must help to find judges who will make the pool stronger and to offer to helpo those who struggle to find judges to hire. We should not be leaving this up to the committee and Ken to do if we want it to improve, then we must be part of that solution. If we want to keep using 3-judge panels, then there is work to be done.
I also believe that we need to help the host school in aquiring lay judges for Public Forum. Coming up with 40-60 lay judges, who do not get compensation is no easy task. Maybe each school needs to ask 2-4 parents to come to the tournament on Saturday to assist. This may also garner you more parent support for fund raising, etc.
Lastly, for those of you not in attendance, you missed the best reaction when it was suggested that Ken start Twittering coaches and judges to better the lines of communication. ;-)